Iman e Mufassal
Iman e Mufassal (pillars of iman)
Aamanthu billahi wa-malaayikathihi wa-kuthubihi wa-rusulihi wa-lyaumil aaqiri wa-lqadri qayrihi wa-sharrihi mina Allahi ta’ala wa-lbahsi ba’dalmouthi.

Iman e Mufassal in English
What is the meaning of iman e mufassal In english?
I have faith in Allah and His Angels, His Books and His Messengers, and the Day of Judgement and that all good and evil and fate is from Almighty Allah and it is sure that there will be resurrection after death.
Pronunciation: Amantu bil-lahi wa mala-i-k-atihi wa ku-tu-bihi wa ru-su-lihi wal-yaw-mil-akhiri wal qad-ri khay-rihi wa shar-rihi mi-nallahi taala wal-ba’thi ba’dal-mawt.
Meaning: I believe in Allah, His Angels, His Books, His Messengers, the Last Day, and in the Taqdir, that all good and bad is from Allah the Most High and I believe in the resurrection after death.
Reference: Surah 2 Verse 177, Surah 54 Verse 49, Surah 4 Verse 136
Iman e Mufassal arabic
Aamantu Billahi Wa Malaikatihi Wa Kutubihi Wa Rusulihi Wal Yawmul Akhirihi Wal Qadri Khairihi Wa Sharrihi Minallahi Taala Wal Basihi Baadal Mawt.